Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Thoughts / The Office / Katy Perry / Love / MyExCloset

Thoughts on my mind this very moment: That was a wonderful nap, time to study for my math test, The office has to be the best show ever, Katy Perry.
I was so lost in math class today. I usually do pretty well in all my subjects, i guess the thing about math is there's only one right answer. With other subjects, as long as you can back up your conclusion with proof you're fine...k not in all subjects.

In Philosphy class today we were talking about the statement
"What is Love" we went from God and creation, to Love vs Lust.
Someone made a very good point. If we were to actually know what love was, i think it would lose it's meaning. An all time goal in life whether we know it or not, is to find that one special thing that represents love in our own life. I thought that was pretty cool.

P.s - i know danni can back me up on this one. While @ the Fall Clothing Show, Dan and i had no choice but to hear about http://www.myexcloset.com/ it's actually pretty cool, you can bid on clothing and stuff. & there's VINTAGE !

1 comment:

  1. i love MYEXCLOSET!

    Also, there is no bidding. The price stated is the price you can buy it immediately for. And you can make money by selling your own exes!

    Wicked idea. Thanks for the post on it!
